BrandofMan Ministries
BrandofMan Podcast narrates the continuous story of christ from Genesis to Revelation. Each concept of Christian Theology can be traced through its pages from beginning to end. We are committed to teaching and building disciples for the Christ, Jesus, humbly presenting an exegetical account of scripture and its contents in the simplest of terms.On the sixth day of creation, God placed His brand upon mankind as a likeness of Himself, sealing our place as eternally His, separated, and valued above all things. At BOMM, this is the brand we proudly wear, as servants of the Servant, the Christ, Jesus, the Holy Son of God.
BrandofMan Ministries
BOM Bible Bootcamp Season 2, Episode 8 "The Lord's Supper"
Will Hunsaker
Season 2
Episode 8
Welcome to Bible Boot Camp -- featuring brief 5-7 minute episodes covering essential biblical doctrine, phrases, and principles that one would frequently encounter while reading the Bible. Next in the line up... The Lord's Supper,
What is this practice?
What does this symbolize?
Where does this come from?
Why do Christians do this?
Join us as we answer these questions in the eighth episode of Bible Bootcamp!
God bless you all, and remember -- know what you believe, and why you believe it.